Welcome to the world of the Draconis series...

In unknown times, where magic is a renewable energy source, and technology exists in tandem...

Earth is a planet full of challenges and struggles. The human race has diversified: the incompletes (anthropomorphic animals of unknown origin, colloquially known as furries, an offensive term in some circles) live hand in hand with humanity. Since the dawn of modern magic, society utilizes it as a renewable energy source. An essential resource, magic exists alongside technology: it’s just as common to see cell phones, cameras and even credit cards as it is to witness a child learning to use magic. All can use it freely, though mildly regulated by the government.

Society is fairly advanced. But where discrimination over foolish things, like religion and sexual orientation/gender identity do not exist... Racial tensions and magical harassment are the norm.

To combat these and other difficulties, paramilitary groups, like the Eon Group, are born.

But sometimes, we all have to face our reckoning...