Main Characters/Personajes Principales

Claude Virtus

El protagonista de esta aventura. Claude es aprendiz de mercenario. Poco le molesta. Siempre servicial, quien lo conoce establece una amistad con él casi de inmediato. Así de fuerte es su empatía, la que se dice es su mejor talento. Se dice que tiene una mente especial y particular con la que procesa los sentimientos e información de una manera distinta. Lo que pocos logran entender, él lo capta. Vive una vida tranquila con su tío adoptivo, Bai-Feng y su hermano adoptivo, Mordred. Es muy observador, y nota cambios y cosas que, para muchos, pasarían desapercibidas: es muy empático. Detrás de su apariencia feliz y risueña se oculta una tragedia incomprensible...

The protagonist of this adventure. Claude is a mercenary’s apprentice. Few things bother him. Always dutiful, whoever gets to know him makes friends with him quite quickly. Such is his empathy, which is said to be his best talent. It it said he has a special and particular mind with which he processes emotions and information differently. He catches on to what few can understand. He lives a quiet life with his adoptive uncle, Bai-Feng, and his adoptive brother, Mordred. He is quite observant, taking note of changes and things that, to many, would pass them by without notice; he’s very empathic. His happy and cheerful demeanor belie an incomprehensible tragedy...

Gunter Moray

El general y regente del reino de Shaddhai, Gunter siempre fue un sirviente leal y poderoso de la princesa Meredith, y fue responsable de criarla luego de la muerte de su padre. Serio y estricto, las apariencias engañan. Un hombre lleno de secretos, Gunter oculta su verdad cuidadosamente. Su vida ha dado un giro de 180 grados: las políticas y decisiones de la princesa, acompañadas de su loca aventura hacia la adultez, retan la paciencia del regente. ¿Cuál será su decisión? ¿Encontrará las respuestas que necesita? ¿O será una vida de villano su gran escarmiento?

General and regent of the kingdom of Shaddhai, Gunter was always a powerful and loyal servant of princess Meredith, and was responsible for raising her after her father’s death. Serious and strict, appearances are deceiving. A man full of secrets, Gunter hides his truth carefully. His life has had a 180° turn: the princess’s policies and choices, joined by her crazy journey into adulthood, test the regent’s patience. What will be his choice? Will he find the answers he seeks? Or will a lifetime of villainy be his greatest punishment?